Week 47 - Konica C35 AF that came in a box of free cameras that my stepfather obtained from a local newspaper listing. Modern Photography from April 1979, touts this as the "First Auto-Focus Still Camera," with a non-interchangeable 38mm f/2.8 Konica Hexanon, with apertures up to f/22, focusing to 3 1/2 ft. It has an electronically programmed shutter, with flash, powered by two AA batteries. Available film speed settings from 25-400. The magazine article lists the original price as $283. An in depth explanation of how the auto-focus feature works from the magazine article below-
I loaded the camera with Fujicolor 200 film and carried it along for a visit to see my mother-in-law. We decided to go to Elizabethtown for the annual Christmas parade, though, my heart was not really in it with my mother's recent passing. I thought I would try to get a few snaps of my great-niece and nephews in the parade, but we were facing the sun, which I think hindered the auto-focusing and auto-exposure on the camera. The close-up shots that I took of Brenda and her mom came out much better, I may want to try this camera with some black and white film with the subjects closer to the lens.
The roll was processed with Film Photography Project C-41 Kit (which I'm hoping will finish out my project before needing replacement) and scanned with Epson V500 Photo.